Halima Abubakar posted a pic of herself putting on an outfit that looks like a bra. Fans didn’t take a chill pill, they decided to call her out for flaunting her bra.
Nicki Minaj has flaunted several photos of herself and new boo, Meek Mill and some fans have complained that the love was one-sided as Meek Mill rarely shared photos of her.
Davido opened up to HipTv on why he doesn’t charge for collabo unlike his colleagues who charge for collabos. Davido said “I don’t charge for collabos, and I don’t think I have in the past.The truth is I love music and I just do it out of the love. So, I do it for free”
Vector opened up on his love life and why he can’t get married now. Vector told TheNet that, “Hmmmm….It’s been on and off, because I’m always busy, studio work and all that, most times I spend my whole day in the studio.”